Magnetotellurics aims to produce a 2D or 3D resistivity model of the ground by recording naturally occurring or man-made electric and magnetic fields at the surface. Its depth of penetration ranges from tens of meters up to tens of kilometers dependent on frequency and resistivity.
- Survey designs and optimization using 2D/3D forward modeling and inversion with SimPEG.
- Low-noise MFS07e Metronix Geophysics magnetic induction coil sensors
- A wide array of electrodes are available, from stainless steel for AMT surveys to non-polarizable porous pots for long period MT recordings.
- Low instrumental noise from the receiver.
- EDI files – standard in MT community.
- 2D sections/3D resistivity models

Audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) surveys use natural electrical energy, primarily from electrical storms. AMT surveys are effective in resistivity imaging to depths of up to 1-2 km. The AMT method has seen significant improvement in the last decade, and can produce accurate 2D or 3D models for many mineral exploration applications where moderate depth search is required and where resistivity variation is expected.
AMT is the predominant survey method in mineral exploration and as a complement to a DCRES survey
Controlled-Source Magnetotellurics (CSAMT) aims to produce a 3D resistivity model of the ground similar to AMT, but through the use of a transmitter site located at a distance from the survey area. Use of a transmitter allows a higher signal-to-noise ratio and a full control on the transmitting waveform.
Several array configurations are available:
• Scalar CSAMT: One transmitter direction, one pair E/H at the station location.
• Vector CSAMT: One transmitter direction, two perpendicular pairs E/H at station location.
• Tensor CSAMT: Two transmitter directions, two perpendicular pairs E/H at the station location.
Transmitter frequencies traditionally range from 5 Hz to 10 kHz.
- High data quality due to 24/32 Bit Analog/Digital conversion technology
- Can be operated as a stand alone or as a multi-channel network system when connecting multiple ADU-08e in a Local Area Network (LAN, WJ8)
- Automated system self check of ADU-08e and sensors during set up
- Automatic input offset compensation eliminates self potential of electrodes
- Automatic determination of best setup of gains and filters on site
- 12 V battery powered. Only a single battery is required for each ADU incl. sensors
- Compact, lightweight, ruggedized and water-proof instrument design
- Wide operating temperature range from -30° C to +50° C
- Compatible with all metronix sensors
- Automatic unattended recording mode
- Realtime display of time series and spectral