Controlled-Source Magnetotellurics CSAMT
Controlled-Source Magnetotellurics (CSAMT) aims to produce a 3D resistivity model of the ground similar to MT, but through the use of a transmitter site located at a distance from the survey area. The use of a transmitter allows a higher signal-to-noise ratio and a full control on the transmitting waveform.
Several array configurations are available:
- Scalar CSAMT: One transmitter direction, one pair E/H at the station location.
- Vector CSAMT: One transmitter direction, two perpendicular pairs E/H at the station location.
- Tensor CSAMT: Two transmitter directions, two perpendicular pairs E/H at the station location.
Transmitter frequencies traditionally range from 5 Hz to 10 kHz.
The CSAMT survey system utilizes the versatile DIAS32-Gen2 receiver and benefits from the same wireless communication technology and the visibility that affords the operator to data quality and operational status.
DIAS32 MT Advantages
- Survey designs and optimization using 2D/3D forward modeling and inversion with SimPEG.
- Low-noise MFS07e magnetic induction coil sensors from Metronix Geophysics.
- Low instrumental noise from the receiver.
- Complete flexibility on survey design (sparse magnetic sensors w/high-density electrics, high-density E and H).
- Small design, easy to camouflage in sensitive areas, with a plug and play option to record from the interface.
Operational Advantages
- Receivers can be used interchangeably and therefore quickly swapped in case of failure.
- Modular design for a lightweight hybrid MT layout (Telluric-Magnetotelluric, only TE mode for 2D surveys…). No need for a full acquisition unit at each station.
- Apparent resistivity maps
- 2D sections/3D resistivity models
- Orientation